Rosebrook Gardens was created by a subdivision in 1921 and left untouched until 1995. R. B. Benson and Co. purchased the land in 1996. I was the first owner to ever live here when I purchased it in June 1997. Although R.B. Benson & Company did some excellent work in building this house, I have spent a great deal of time upgrading and designing the home for style and comfort.
I designed and built the garage to match the house in style and size. It was the most I could build given the size of the property. This building is now known as the Garden Studio, and I spend most of my time in the studio when I’m working in the garden. Much time was spent in the gardens. My roses New Dawn (both pink and white), Sombreuil, Eden Climber, Molyneux standards, Graham Thomas, and the Pilgrim Rose have been picked for color and fragrance.
Spring time is the most rewarding for me in my garden. After a long winter, spring brings great excitement as the verdant green of the many boxwoods combines with the colors the alliums, peonies, lilacs, wisterias, iris, other vibrant perennials and the ornamental flowing pear and crabapple tree to name a few. My back garden beds are lined with diagonal bricks and dwarf boxwoods. The once active side driveway has become an outdoor dining space, pergola and raised-bed parterre gardens filled with topiaries, herbs and decorative perennials. All-year visitors will experience color and fragrances throughout the property. I wanted to have something beautiful to look at no matter where you are or no matter what the season may be.
As an avid gardener, I must say that whatever time you put into the garden, you will always see rewards. Learn as you go and remember nothing is permanent. A garden is forever changing and so are we. Smart tip: Plan ahead and do sections at a time that way you can see your results rather than placing a plant here and there. Garden ornaments are like punctuation in a book. They are there to make you stop and pause and take a deep breath.
And there you have it!

Explore my books, LIFE ON MAR’S: A Four Season Garden and LIFE ON MAR’S: Creating Casual Luxury, the literary versions of a visit to my home.