Loving the Hyacinth

Happy Saturday my MARtians!

Spring is around the corner. It is easy to feel that spring in the air as the snow melts and the temperature rises. I dream of bursting bulbs and lush green velvet shades as the birds begin to nest for a new season at Rosebrook Gardens.

That said, to hold me over I infuse cut hyacinths into vases to begin the process that spring is coming. This is the easiest way to enjoy a pop of color early in the season. Grocery stores, home improvement stores and more are all stocking these forced bulbs, but I prefer the cut flowers rather than a planter.

My collection of vases are everything from the classic Tiffany rope vases to the simple water pitcher. All work and have a place in my life. Always remember that hyacinths are highly toxic so always wash your hands when done and keep them away from pets.

This season for me brings great changes in design and functionality in the gardens as my sunny rose garden gets a new and improved redesign. Overgrown Alberto spruces will be removed and replaced with lattice privacy fencing, and the clapboard fireplace façade will removed and replaced with a new stone fireplace and chimney. To make way for this of course everything in this area will be traumatized and impacted. The 21 year old rosebush will be spared and relocated in hope for a successful transplant.

But wait there’s more… a new outdoor entertaining area patio and a major landscaping installation to complete the transformation.

So before the piles of stone and building materials arrive I take refuge in the quiet days, and the early Spring scent and pops of color from the glorious hyacinth flowers cut and placed around the house for those who visit to love and adore.

Rosebrook Gardens is my home, my life and my creative outlet. I’m so excited for the changes to come and look forward to sharing the transformation with you all.   Stay tuned and Happy early Spring!