Ladies Night –plus Me!

As a horseman with deep roots in the equestrian world I love riding and all of the aspects this fun and sometimes challenging sport represents. As my levels increase so do the locations in which to ride.  That said, my new-found riding home is Summit Farm, located in North Salam, NY.  Truth be told, with the recent move of my coach Michelle Nardini and my recent proficiency at riding, the time was perfect to change the environment and invest into a new horse.

Established in 2003, Summit Farm is a family oriented equine facility located in the heart of North Salem. Ashley Yozzo, the incredible and delightful owner, prides herself and her aMARzing team on educating new and seasoned riders with a focus on Hunters and Equitation all while maintaining a fun, enjoyable atmosphere. Summit Farm is also on the North Salem Bridle Trails, a beautifully maintained trail system, which allows riders–from beginner to advanced–the delightful and moving opportunity to experience trail riding among some of the most beautiful vistas.

When I arrived there for the first time I noticed a poster reading: “Ladies Trail Ride, a sunset trail ride finished off with refreshments.” The trails combined with the sunset lighting sounded wonderful, so I asked “Can I come?” They kindly accepted and so without skipping a beat the Ladies Trail Ride quickly became The Ladies Trail Ride with Mar!

As the only gentleman I was both thrilled and excited to participate with the ladies. But would they embrace me into this group? The fun photos show that we all bonded together as if we were kindred friends for decades. Now that was a beautiful night.

Faces familiar and new were framed with the backdrop of Summit Farm; it was both a treat and a divine experience as we all watched the sunset glow on our smiles of enjoyment.

This place is magical! Not just because of the location or the new friends gathered but the passion and love we all shared for the sport underscored by the beauty, the sunset and of course the fun wine & cheese gathering after the ride.


As the token gentleman I was proud to be allowed to participate in such a memorable evening. These photos represent the fun of the night, the beauty from our trails and of course the gathering of riders all thrilled to participate.  Ride on!