Lights, camera, action! You’re on the air, and before you know it your time is done. They say if you love what you do time flies. Add the fact that I’m having fun and it goes at warp speed. So may the force be with you, as one never quite knows what can happen on live TV. But it all goes easily when you are lucky to work with the professional and dedicated people that I am – those folks who the viewer never sees. So this blog is dedicated to you, guys; you’re the best!
What happens behind the scenes can be just as exciting as on air. The talented producers, cameramen, and assistants always help the talent be their best and look good. I had two memorable experiences with that this week.
First, last weekend I was on QVC outside Philadelphia representing Cottage Farms. When you’re on QVC they are live, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I arrive two hours before my airtime, get hair and make-up done – okay, maybe less hair repair and more make-up – get wired with a mike, plus an IFB (a special intercom circuit that consists of a program feed sent to an earpiece). This little device allows the produces to speak directly to me, even cueing throughout the show. You may have noticed that curly wire behind my head.
Then, yesterday I was in Hartford where we aired Jason and Rebecca’s dream wedding live on FOXCT, and I was so excited to be part of this broadcast.
I woke up at 2 am, arrived at the Society Room in Hartford by 4 am, ready to work. My first hit was at 6:14 and I was ready. Being motivated by the professionals I work with, the team that I’m a part of and the glory of loving what I do it’s no wonder I’ll happily wake up in the middle of the night feeling fully charged to go to work.
Whether it is QVC, FOX, Better TV or any other local or national network, TV is for me and I’m grateful that we found each other.