I love my neighborhood, what many people even call a magical place. Next month I celebrate 22 years at my home Rosebrook Gardens and to launch the celebration I hosted a delightful paella party al fresco, inviting friends and neighbors to both embrace the wonderful weather and honor the glorious times I’ve had here.
Truth be told, one does not need a reason to celebrate as life is good and many wonderful blessings have been bestowed on me this year. That includes the professional, too: the explosion of my Real Estate brand, Telly Award win, and my 6th Emmy nomination. (This year at the 42nd Boston/New England Awards Ceremony I’m extra excited to have been asked to be a presenter next Saturday night.)
So with the journey, blessings, and special assignments I gathered some of my favorite people all to experience the cuisine of Chef Glenn Michael, from Fairfield Fire & Rice. Who does not love a Seafood Paella? Especially when created right in front of your very eyes. Chef Glenn brings everything to setup and cook the delicious meal, making it truly a night to remember. And then when he’s done he takes it all away with not even a garage bag left behind.
The rest of the clean up was made easier, too, thanks to a friend’s suggestion to get glasses, plates, silverware and linens all rented from local company. I think it’s safe to say that my guests loved the food, as most went for seconds (and of course there were those few who returned for a third helping!) and still managed to make room for dessert. Add the most aMARzing music mix from the 80’s to current pop and the night quickly became one of those evenings to remember for a lifetime.
Wine, specialty cocktails and food were set against the backdrop of my nighttime garden. Wisteria blooms, roses and peonies were in abundance to explore and enjoy, and it was beautiful. The fragrance of the just-bloomed Skyrack Japonica tree in its full glory was the most delightful perfumer of the night.
Celebrate life, love and friends while always taking advantage of the blessings and surroundings we call home. Now that’s what’s Life on Mar’s is all about.