
The Pleasures Of A Potting Shed/Garden Studio:

One of the earliest illustrations of a potting shed structure appeared late in the 1600’s in a German volume on farming and gardening by W. H. von Hohberg. Hohberg’s shed…

Double Duty Wreath

The holidays are over and many of us have begun, thankfully, to remove all signs of Christmas past. I do it all at once and as quickly as possible. It’s…

This Isn’t Your Mother’s Meatloaf!

This is one fine recipe you will enjoy for years to come. It’s a keeper! No matter what people may say about meatloaf – this is one fabulous recipe to…

Recipe: Cranberry Pear Pie

John Barricelli is back from the Sono Baking Co. with a wonderfully simple cranberry pear pie. If you are afraid to make a crust, don’t worry, you don’t have to.…

Corky’s Chicken Dinner

There is no better way to show your pet how much you love them than to cook for them. Over the years, Corky, my Miniature Schnauzer, has been given after…

Daddy Things To Do

Now that Mother’s Day has passed, it’s time to turn our attention to Dad. This year what could we possibly do differently that hasn’t already been done before? And please,…

Table Art

We spend so much time and effort preparing the meal, we forget all about the importance of the table. At the last minute, we scatter to find the placemats, napkins,…

Amaryllis For Everyone

Long lasting and vibrantly colorful, an amaryllis is so much more than a holiday bulb. Most bulbs called amaryllis belong to the genus hippeastrum, but this name is not used…

Decorate… Don’t Renovate That Old Bathroom

Next to the kitchen, the average family bathroom is arguably the hardest working room in the house. Bathrooms take a beating and all the activity and humidity causes wallpaper to…