
Winter Delight Narcissus

Many times the classification of plants can be very confusing. Such is the case of genus narcissus, which includes the commonly named daffodils, jonquils and tazetts in addition to all…

Annuals That Need Little Or No Deadheading

Annuals Annuals Vines: Agastache Moon Vine Ageratum “÷Blue Horizon’ Morning Glory Angelonia Chickabiddy Bacopa Exotic Love Begonia   Bidens   Bouganvillea   Browalia   Calibrachoa (Million Bells & New Superbells)…

Mar’s Attention To Details Concepts

Paying close attention to details has always been my expertise. This attention has now become one of my most valuable trademarks for my home and garden. Having these few simple…

Lost In Time

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that the material things we enjoy in this lifetime are never truly ours. We simply take care of them for the time that…

Another Boxwood Please…

Want to start your garden design? Begin with the boxwood. People are often surprised that I have hundreds that surround my home. One might think with all these boxwood I…

Coconut Cupcakes

When I was young, I remember being in the kitchen with my mother and grandmother making cupcakes to bring to school for my birthday.  I have such fond memories that…

Feeling Prosperous in Times of Doubt

Remember when not so long ago, things didn’t seem quite so financially turbulent or worrisome? Maybe you could afford to splurge by having dinner out at a nice restaurant or…