My Martians I hope this blog finds you all well and at peace, given the recent events in the world. “Home sweet home” has a new meaning these days as we are fortunate to have a place we can call home.
Home has also become the new home office as now more than ever we discover how working from home full time is possible. This is an exciting new period for most of us as we learn that our global footprint is reduced thus finding the silver lining in the pandemic.
We must also find the love within our hearts to be kind and supportive to all. This virus does not discriminate nor should we. As an active social media personality with a deep relationships around the world I notice many posts that I simply must unfollow or block. I stay away from the hate and the fake news and enjoy discovering the many people filled with love and support as they use Facebook, twitter and Instagram as platforms to be positive, funny and clever. No politics, no name calling or finger pointing; rather, positive entertainment.
These past two weeks with my mini-schnauzer by my side I continue my tasks and project plans, all from the comfort of my home. Today’s ‘smart home’ technology has enabled me to discover new resources: Sling, Netflix, Amazon Prime and BroadwayHD have become my new creative distractions, and with my new fireplace, mantel and TV I can watch a movie or Broadway play with a burning fire below.
I’m blessed that my home Rosebrook Gardens offers me solace as the perfect place to nest and retreat as we change our daily lives and working from home becomes the new norm. Who would have thought my home office/design center & multiple phone lines and technology would be getting such a workout!
But I get to create my new “business as usual” all while awaiting lush green foliage, the peonies, grape hyacinths and wisteria blooms emerge. Just beyond these walls, like a promise to all of us of where we will all be soon, together.
I leave you all with this…