The View

As many as you many of you know I’m all about the garden. I can’t wait for the growing season to spring into action and for things to start blooming. That is when my beautiful garden really comes together.

I look forward to every budding rose, and the unfurling of tightly wound leaves, every morning dew droplet, every cheerful spreading of the groundcover. I’m always excited to see what is new this year and what has changed from last year. Therefore, it is not easy for me to make sacrifices in the garden, that is to say, to remove plants. However, it must be done sometimes.

Sadly, yesterday I had to remove my two beautiful pear trees that lived right out front of my house. Many of you have seen their graceful beauty on TV, or perhaps in a magazine. These were two very special pear trees that meant a lot to me. I planted them for privacy a decade ago. Having to remove them hurt physically, but at the end of the day, it was the right thing for my garden. The last year was not kind to these trees as delivery trucks, construction vehicles and moving vans damaged many of their limbs beyond pruning corrections. Truth be told, my new Bevolo gaslight now stands stately and anchors the front of my property.

The only solace I can find is, in anticipation of having to remove those beautiful trees that I love so well, I planted two new grand trees across the street years ago. My view is the beautiful Arnold property, The Nook, that has been renovated. The new trees enhanced landscape to perfection and these trees have lots of room to grow for many years to come— just in time to showcase the property on season two of “Life on Mar’s: The Home Makeover Show.”

I feel slightly saddened at my loss, but quite glad too because now my front view is simply gorgeous. I have the best neighbors in the world and we do love our gardens. Just so you know MARtians, every now and again you do have to make a little sacrifice, but comfort yourself by planting something similar somewhere else in your corner of the world. Now that a “view” point I live by.

Happy Fourth of July weekend.