Yes, it’s true, I’m having an affair with my house, and my new cedar shingle roof has officially validated my love and passion for my home. Add copper details, and now it’s an affair to remember, for a lifetime.
Let me explain – many years ago I dreamed of the day when I could replace my current asphalt roof with something more natural and aesthetically pleasing. As luck would have it, I found myself needing some minor repairs, allowing me the opportunity to bite the bullet and consider the possibility to replace the entire roof. So a pressure-treated cedar shingle roof would be in order, complemented with copper dormers and a new cupola. I wanted to update the dormers on both the studio and the house to be completely copper and to add a skylight in the master bath.
My builder, Rick Benson, of R. B. Benson and Company (who incidentally sold me Rosebrook Gardens in 1997), was rehired for the new project. No detail was left untouched as he worked with me on all my finishes and requests. If he said “You won’t see that detail, Mar,” I’d reply “But I’ll know it’s there.” I even drilled down on the nails to be used, as I requested only galvanized nails for the job. You could say I’m ruthless about the details – or should I say “roofless”?
Today, I gaze around and can admire the finishing touches that make Rosebrook Gardens such a splendid home and retreat for me. Rosebrook Gardens is all about the details, large or small, inside or out. I’ll embrace the beauty of my new cedar shingle roof and enjoy the beauty for years. Unlike with the asphalt roof, now I will be able to hear the raindrops – yes, I’m shingled and happy about it.